H-4030 Debrecen, Galamb street 6. | +36 52 419 800 | info@solargreenenergy.hu
Solar Green Energy Ltd. is succesful, reliable and well-known on the renewable energy market.
The 15 years old Solar Green Energy Ltd. is a member of the cooling, heating, air-conditioning installation
and maintenance providing Ice-Star Ltd. and Ice-Star Szerviz Ltd.. Az Ice Star tar group of companies proves stable on the mar
Our customers: Borsodchem, Henkel, Tesco, Magyar Sajt Ltd.
Read more about our companies at www.icestar.hu!
The provider installs a meter measuring the solar panel generated electricity.
With this meter the owner and the provider can keep track of the energy generated by the solar panels.
The current generated by the panel flows through various safety devices and the power inverter.
The inverter changes direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).
This step is important, as most home appliances work with alternating current.